The Importance Of Looking After Industrial Sewing Machines

Seamstress-industrial sewing machines

Industrial sewing machines have to work tremendously hard to produce a high turnover of garments every day, and manufacturers rely on them working as efficiently and effectively as they do to keep production going. 

Therefore, it would be nothing short of a disaster if they broke down, disrupting the manufacturing process and making it difficult to meet order deadlines. 

Why is regular maintenance important?

This is why it is essential clothing manufacturers take excellent care of their industrial sewing machines, as it could make a huge difference to their sales, as well as their reputation, if they are constantly breaking down. 

Even before proactively taking care of the machines, there are preventative measures you should take to reduce the chance of them breaking down. 

This includes scheduling equipment repairs before they are broken and making a note of their last check-ups, so you have a good idea when they may need their next inspection. 

Without regular checks, the chances of the equipment breaking are much higher. What’s more, the quality of sewing could be jeopardised, which means seams could come undone, buttons loose, and zips fitted in a faulty manner.

If this happens, clients will be put off from using the manufacturer again in the future, costing it a considerable amount in business. 

Proactive maintenance - where to start

As well as preventative maintenance, it is wise to proactively take care of the sewing machines. 


Firstly, they need to be cleaned frequently to remove dust or lint building up. Get rid of pieces of thread from the bobbin and hook area using a lint brush or compressed air. 

The tension discs and thread guides should also be cleaned, as dust can accumulate here over time. 

Additionally, the spool stand, machine head, and oil tank all need to be cleaned regularly. 

Ideally, you should use a cotton cloth every day on the spool stand and machine head, a soft brush twice a week on the hook shuttle, a brush tweezer or a magnet daily on the oil tank, and a blower once a week on the button oil tank. 

Oil the machine

You also need to ensure they are topped up with oil frequently to make sure they are lubricated well and remain safe to use. 

Check the manual to see how often they should be oiled, which could be as often as every day or even every few hours, depending on how much work the machines have to do. 

If in doubt make sure you regularly look at the oil gauge windows to ensure the levels are not too low. 

Replace the needle

Another important maintenance tip is to replace the needles so they remain sharp and functional. Otherwise, manufacturers risk reducing the quality of the garments produced. 

As well as taking care of the sewing machines, you should book them in for service checks after a certain number of running hours. During an inspection, the moving parts are checked to see if they need replacing to keep the equipment running as well as it should.